Membership Directory - Corporate

BreakBio Corp


Cancer has been a perennially vexing disease of our lifetimes. It is difficult to cure primarily because it grows within a patient and as it grows it is constantly changing. So there are many types of cancer cells within each patient.

BreakBio is a leader in the convergence of AI Drug Discovery, personalized medicine and immunotherapy. BreakBio uses not just AI Drug Discovery, but goes further with AI Drug Discovery PER PATIENT and manufacture per patient in just 42 days. AI analyzes each patient’s cancer cells and finds 30 targets across all branches of their cancer. Then customized/bespoke immunotherapy drugs are manufactured for the patient and injected.

The company is closing a $5m investment round for this high tech solution to cancer. The funding is for a Phase 1/2 clinical trial in 2024 in NY and Boston. FDA has just approved the clinical trial. It is aiming to get a Breakthrough Therapy Designation in 2025 and then expects Big Pharma (companies like Pfizer) to offer partnerships and provide remaining capital to scale across cancer indications and worldwide. Presentation at:

AI Drug Discovery Per Patient, and manufacturing personalized medicines per patient in 42 days will, we believe, become the treatment of choice for all cancers.

Look forward to discuss this exciting opportunity - choose a time at


The American Cancer Society Award for my work on AI Drug Discovery per Patient for cancer treatment tells my story:

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